Kenny Daryat Nanang is an Indonesian citizen, born in Sumedang on April 18, 1958 (64 years old).
He completed his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering education at Trisakti University in 1986. Kenny Daryat Nanang was appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company through the General Meeting of Shareholders and assigned based on the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. SK-281/MBU/09/2020 dated January 9, 2020.
Previously, he served as Head of the Sub-Directorate of Media Electronics (2005-2006), Head of Planning Section, BPPA (2006-2008), Investment Promoter Officer in Tokyo (2008-2011), the Head of Sub-Directorate of Trade and Tourism Services (2011-2012), Director of Regional Potential Development (2012), Head of General Bureau, Main Secretariat of BKPM (2012-2018), and he served as Director of PT Andalas Sejahtera Jelita Abadi (2018-2019).