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Dukung Percepatan Tanam, Brantas Abipraya Kebut SIMURP di Subang

Supporting the Acceleration of Planting, Brantas Abipraya Accelerates SIMURP in Subang


Subang, 11 June 2024 – State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) operating in the infrastructure sector, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) This shows his seriousness in developing the country's water infrastructure. This is proven by accelerating work Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP), this step is expected to accelerate the planting of around 177,000 hectares of rice fields in the West Java region in the 2024 gadu season (MT2). 


"Together with the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS), we will rehabilitate this water infrastructure. "We are optimistic that the progress of construction work can run and be completed on time by prioritizing the implementation of K3L (Safety, Occupational Health and Environment) and implementing GCG," said Muhammad Fauzi Toha, Director of Operations I Brantas Abipraya.  


He added that the progress of the work is now above 90% and is targeted to be completed by the end of June. This state-owned construction company will continue to speed up work on this project so that the benefits can be immediately felt by farmers.


His seriousness in implementing the K3L system in this project environment also produced brilliant results, namely being able to bring this BUMN to win the WSO award. Indonesia-Pakistan Safety Culture Award (WISCA-WPSCA) 2024. A total of two awards were won in this event, strengthening Brantas Abipraya's commitment as a company that focuses on implementing an K3L culture. There were also two awards received at this world level award, namely the Gold-Level 4 category and the WSO Award for the category Concerned Company Award Construction Sector.


"Through the construction of SIMURP, it will be ensured that water can flow to the rice fields and downstream as well, because currently there are around 20 hectares of rice fields which are at risk of not being able to be planted if they are not immediately irrigated. "Hopefully, with SIMURP, it will be the answer to this threat," he added Muhammad Fauzi Toha.

In the solution, Brantas Abipraya will focus on producing irrigation construction works that are superior, of the right quality, right cost and on time. This is one of the steps taken by this BUMN to contribute to the development of water infrastructure in an effort to support water availability, a manifestation of Brantas Abipraya's service to developing the country.

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