Imam Haryono is an Indonesian citizen, born in Sukoharjo, Central Java on April 1, 1961 (61 years old).
He completed his Bachelor’s degree at Gadjah Mada University majoring in Agricultural Technology in 1984 and earned a Master’s degree from Tokyo University of Agriculture in 1990. In 1995 he completed his Doctorate at the Tokyo University of Agriculture majoring in Agricultural Chemistry and graduated Summa Laude. Imam Haryono has served as Commissioner of the Company since it was stipulated at the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the Decree of the Ministry of SOEs Number SK-137/MBU/7/2016 dated July 12, 2016. Imam Haryono started his career as Pj. Head of Program Monitoring & Evaluation at the Ministry of Industry.
He has served as Secretary of the Industrial and Trade Research and Development Agency (2002-2005), Director of the Beverage and Tobacco Industry (2005-2008), Head of the Planning Bureau (2008-2010), Inspector General (2010-2014), and Director General of Industrial Area Development (2014-2017) at the Ministry of Industry. In addition, from 2005-2007, he served as Chairman of the Working Group of the Alimentarius Commission (FAO/WMO Food Standards Program). He was also served as President Commissioner of PT Boma Bisma Indra (2011-2016).