Tursandi Alwi is an Indonesian citizen, born in Sukau, West Lampung on October 14 1950.
He has a history of post-graduate education (S2) at IPWI College of Economics, Jakarta, Faculty of Law, Taruma Negara University, Jakarta, Institute of Government Science (IIP), Jakarta and Academy of Domestic Government (APDN), Palembang. He has served as Commissioner of the Company since being appointed at the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number SK-19/MBU/01/2023 on 31 January 2023. Currently he holds the position of Deputy General Chair of Central KONI (2019-2023), Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura II (2010-2015) and Commissioner of PT Pelindo III (2007-2010).