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    Waspada Penipuan Mengatasnamakan PT Brantas Abipraya
  • Bendungan Semantok
    Berlokasi di Nganjuk, Jawa Timur
    Bendungan ini merupakan bendungan
    terpanjang di Indonesia.
    Pengumuman Penawaran Umum Penjualan Aset Tetap Bergerak Tahun 2024
  • Tol Cisumdawu
    Ruas jalan bebas hambatan
    dibangun untuk mendukung konektivitas
    Jawa Barat yaitu Subang, Sumedang, Bandung
    hingga Bandara Kertajati di Majalengka.
  • Bendungan Ciawi
    Bendungan kering Pertama di Indonesia
    terletak di Bogor , Jawa Barat
  • Penataan Sumbu Kebangsaan
    Berlokasi di Kawasan Inti Pusat Pemerintahan (KIPP)
    di IKN Nusantara
    Merupakan ruang terbuka yang menjadi
    simbol hubungan harmonis
    antar alam, manusia dan nilai luhur kebudayaan
  • PLTM Padang Guci
    PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) berkomitmen
    mendukung target bauran Energi Baru dan
    Terbarukan (EBT) nasional lewat anak usahanya,
    PT Brantas Energi.
    Berlokasi di Kawasan Inti Pusat Pemerintahan
    (KIPP) IKN,Merupakan Tempat Pengolahan Sampah
    Terpadu sebagai wujud kepedulian
    Brantas Abipraya terhadap permasalahan
    kebersihan lingkungan di IKN.

Brantas Abipraya is a State-Owned Enterprise which is committed to advancing the development of the Indonesian nation by promoting AKHLAK culture

About company

Providing the best quality infrastructure for the country

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is a state-owned company that continues to provide the best quality development for the nation's progress
  • Strong and sturdy building quality
  • Experience & qualified personnel
  • Work fast and professional
  • Experts Team Member
what we’re offering

We’re giving all the construction services to our customer

Operations Division 1 - Building

Operations Division 1 - Building

Division that focuses on building construction
Operations Division 2 - Water Resources

Operations Division 2 - Water Resources

Division that focuses on water resources development
Operations Division 3 - Infrastructure

Operations Division 3 - Infrastructure

Division that focuses on infrastructure development
Equipment and Precast Division

Equipment and Precast Division

A division that focuses on providing tools and making precasts
Subsidiary PT. Brantas Abipraya Persero


Brantas Energi

Brantas Energi

Subsidiary of PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) with the main business of making environmentally friendly power plants

Our Awards

Abipraya on Youtube

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which operates in the construction sector. First operating in 1980 by building superior infrastructure in Indonesia and abroad, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) continues to transform in order to strengthen its competitiveness.

We are professional and reliable provider since we offer customers the most powerful and beautiful themes. Besides, we always catch the latest technology and adapt to follow world’s new trends to deliver the best themes to the market.

Contact info

We are the leaders in the building industries and factories. We're word wide. We never give up on the challenges.

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