Building the Mbay Dam, Brantas Abipraya Supports Rice Production in NTT

Jakarta, January 9th 2024 - Strengthening its position as the leading State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the development of water infrastructure, especially dams, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) carried out the construction of the Mbay Dam. Located in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Brantas Abipraya is currently completing work on the mbay dam package II which is targeted for completion in 2024. Construction of this dam is one way to achieve national food sovereignty.
"The Mbay Dam is one of Brantas Abipraya's efforts to support the Government's program, namely national water and food security. "Once constructed, this dam will be able to encourage an increase in rice production in Nagekeo Regency by up to 2.5 times," said M. Toha Fauzi, Director of Operations I Brantas Abipraya.
Toha added, this dam can hold up to 51 million cubic meters of water, and will supply irrigation water for agricultural land in Nagekeo Regency. As one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN), this dam will irrigate around 4,200 hectares, with development of 1,900 hectares. The Mbay Dam itself has a pool area of up to 499.55 hectares, the source of which comes from the Aesesa River.
For information, it is useful for meeting raw water needs and reducing the flood discharge of the Aesesa River. This dam is projected to produce raw water of 0.21 m3/second and provide irrigation benefits for 5,928 hectares of agricultural land. In the construction of this dam, Brantas Abipraya was trusted to build it in Package II includes the scope of work for tunnel buildings, spillway buildings, intake buildings, as well as hydromechanical & electrical work.
Apart from completing the Mbay Dam, Brantas Abipraya is also working on several dam and irrigation projects which are PSN, which are located throughout the country. These include the Sepaku Semoi Dam which is a dam that supports raw water and food security in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, East Kalimantan, the highest dam in Indonesia, namely the Bener Dam which is located in Purworejo-Central Java, the Jragung Dam in Central Java which can supply raw water in three areas, namely Semarang, Demak and Grobogan, and several other dams.
Not only does it provide added value to the area around the dam built by Brantas Abipraya, the water resources infrastructure work that is being carried out and has been completed is the answer to the challenges of climate change currently being faced. As is known, this causes water shortages during the prolonged dry season and high rainfall which can cause flooding.
"The construction of the dam is very important, this is proof that Brantas Abipraya is always present for Indonesia in preparing natural resources (water resources) infrastructure to support the government in overcoming the challenges of global climate change. "Through dams we can increase agricultural productivity, make it easier for local communities to obtain clean water which is useful for the benefit of the community, and improve the community's economy," concluded Toha.